
When I'm Wiser And I'm Older


03-20-2014, 11:31 PM

Red temptress had left her children for a short time with her brother yet again, already annoyed and tired with them especially since their eyes had opened and they had decided to begin their exploring. Today it was the girls. Funny how the boys were her least favourite but they seemed the best behaved. White paws dragged wearily against the hard rock. Red crown was hung low as she moved through the hot springs but black lined eyes were attentive and as they shifted over the surroundings. But it wasn't her eyes that would find them first, it was her ears. They would flutter at the sound of first Fiamette's voice and then Hestia's followed by a an unknown male. Immediately a sense of urgency overcame her and her head snapped up, who was with her children? Long legs moved with ease through the paths between the hot pools of water, paths she had taken many a time. She was ready to fight when she bounded onto the scene, the first thing she was seeing was the male picking up Hestia. But immediately he put her back down a bit further away from him and she stopped, taking a moment to reassess.

Slower now she would approach, silently now as she looked to her darling daughter and the black child she had expelled as well. "Hello? You don't smell like a pack wolf, are you part of the pack? This is Ludicael pack lands." She said a bit warily, lantern gaze studying the older male. Though he smelt of a rouge she wasn't overly worried about him. "But were my kids bothering you?" Words rolled easily off her tongue as she shot a quick look at her daughters, despite him being the trespasser she still didn't want them to be a trouble. She stepped to them, placing Fiamette protectively between her forepaws as she reached down to affectionately nuzzle her first born. They were fine? Funny how much Desiree had evened her out since they had met, Vi much more content to relax and see how things went rather then attacking first. Though instead of any affectionate greeting towards the black sheep of her children she shot the child a look as if asking what she had been doing that had lead to her being picked up and discarded.