
Dances of Celebration, Joining Of Two Hearts


03-21-2014, 06:40 AM

She had arrived. And she was pissed. Sephiroth's ears fell back as Seraphine asked, no. Demanded him to follow her. He cast a quick glance of apology to Erani before quietly slipping away, a look given to Caerul signaling him something unsaid. He received a brief and near invisible nod from the Digamma confirming that he would fill him in later. Without another word, he slipped into the bushes opposite from the other wolves. He didn't care what they thought, he cared about Seraphine and every wolf knew not to disobey an angry female else they feel her wrath. And he knew Seraphine was a tough one, she had gone up against Glaciems king, and although she had lost, she had still fought valiantly...something he had to admire. And even then, he had a feeling about what she was mad about. He had been neglecting her lately, his duties as beta had gotten in the way, and why? All because he thought that if he tended to those first, she would remain safe...but it was because of him, because he simply stood by and watched his Alphess fight for her title, believing she could beat the odds...then Seraphine had done what he had kept hidden in the back of his mind, challenging someone who wasn't impossible to defeat, and although she had lost sight in one eye, she had put up a good fight and gave the coral ghost a taste of what a Valhallan warrior could do.

He crept silently through the brush, mind swirling with thoughts of what was to come. What would Seraphine do? What would he do? Was she so mad with him that she wanted nothing more to do with him? Aqua gaze stung for a minute, chest tightening like the bangles upon his forepaws. He felt the inevitable was going to happen, and all he could do was pray that she'd give him one last chance. And so he sat, moon light upon his pelt, the air around him was still and silent...and he waited.


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