
stuck in colder weather


03-21-2014, 12:37 PM

She would call them, one and all, in a simple melodic chorus of notes that they should all recognize. As Queen of Glaciem it was time for her to determine whom remained loyal to the ice wraith King and whom lingered atop the metaphorical fence that stood between Glaciem and the outside world. Wavering loyalty was not something she wanted among their ranks, and she would rather purge them now than see the Kingdom rotted because of them. Her heart ached for him, but she knew he needed his time - knew he needed his space. Eyes of bold green streaked in every direction as her howl tapered off, waiting for them to arrive - eager to see them all. A fire had been built in her ever since his declaration of love, and as each one arrived she knew they would only serve to stoke the fire. Glaciem needed order, needed structure - and they would have it. Tail flickered behind her as she perched precariously - but entirely confidently - upon a limb strung up four foot in the air. It would give her enough elevation to see them coming, and to address them all at once.

OOC // this is a pack meeting, yes you should attend, yes it has a deadline: Friday April 4th at 7:00PM Alacritis Time.
