

Eirik I


3 Years
03-21-2014, 12:59 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She laughed at his bravado, a scathing sound that wounded his poor pride though he was far too invested to give up on it completely. He had turned his ears to listen but now they nearly pinned against his head, betraying him as they revealed somewhat the worry that was beginning to grow inside of him if she was inclined to take notice. She should not have laughed, she was not supposed to laugh. How could she feel so little threat from running across a wolf whose pup she currently had pinned beneath her paw? How was he going to get away now?

The claw upon his back was lifted from his frame but stayed close, snaking around him to wrap around his front and draw him in to the creature who had stopped him in his tracks. Eirik's little paws skipped across the ground as he moved with its guidance, trying to keep his footing while he turned his head to get his first look at his temporary captor while her strange voice so easily wrote off his warning. And now he knew why. This was no wolf like his father, mother, and siblings. In fact, she did not resemble any creature that he had ever come across during his travels from the island upon which he had been born to here. But it was evident in the prickly claws of her feet and the gleam of sharpened canines as she spoke to him that she was no prey easily spooked by the right word or phrase. If anything, he was.

A quick shudder raced through his frame as he tried the shrug off her paw, the gesture a combination of fright and defiance. He wanted very much to get away, to be clear of this dangerous cat and her threats, but the fear was visible in his rosy pink eyes: this was not a situation easily weaseled out of. The grey and black youth tried his darnedest to harden his expression but there was no hiding the minute wobble that his lower lip gave though his voice was strong despite its low volume. "I said," he repeated, "Let me go," each word spoken singularly with his effort of maintaining control over himself. He could not crumble, not now when this cat had made it crystal clear she was in charge. He needed to be strong, like he thought his dad would be, and he had no intention of disappointing him.

image by Luisiana