
stuck in colder weather


03-21-2014, 01:03 PM

Audits would fall forward as her queens call rung out across the kingdom, bring her to her feet like a well trained hound. Though she and the queen did not have the best liking for each other she would yield to her summons. Despite the aches that gnawed at her muscles she would stride across the territory, her sickly sweet perfume alerting the others of her presence like a beacon. Luckily there were few males in the pack, so she did not have to worry about luring the unwanted with her heat. The only man she felt concerned about was Isardis, and she would happily invite him into her abode should he chose to dine on her body's offering. As she approached the others she would note that she had been the third to arrive, two males and Sendoa standing before her. She would look up to her queen and nod a halfhearted greeting before taking her seat at the front of the crowd with the others. An uneasy feeling would wash over her as she placed herself beside an unknown male (etern), and she would curl her tail around her body and over her paws. She did not know how strongly he could smell her heat, but she would straighten her posture and peer upward at her queen as if mother nature was not plaguing her.
