
Voices in the Dark


03-21-2014, 02:01 PM

Oh she was glad Koi wasn't as harsh as Colman. Or at least hadn't been as mean. Then again she didn't run off with a bunch of Glaciems just because he claimed to have fallen in love. Well regardless she was no longer angry at the boy, he was her son, and this girl was her daughter. She loved them like the world. Giving a smile towards Isabella and her companion she dipped her head. This wasn't the first time she had seen such a thing, her mother had a ferret tanner that she had carried with her? "It's alright, I've been in such a situation before." she responded to the comment about protecting what was theirs. Vahva gave a flick of her tail as she rubbed up against Koi. "My name is Vahva Hutashi, and this is my daughter Koi." she introduced the two of them. Before raising her head.

"My mother had a companion once, he was a gray ferret called Tanner." Vahva laughed a little bit at the memories. Oh how happy she was right now that she had found Koi. Maybe the little girl would want to come to Valhalla with her. She would introduce the girl to so many, make her feel welcomed unlike in their last pack where life was far more harsh. Though she might have been getting ahead of herself and all and needed to calm down. Lowering her head, she took some water from the pool, after she drank her fill which was little. She raised her head again, for the conversation, and joy of this little reunion.
