



03-21-2014, 02:12 PM

Alpine had asked his question, and watched in silence now, watching the expressions appear upon her face. Perhaps she was considering all her reasons to smile now, for he saw one now tugging at the end of her lips and felt a little pleased with himself to see it there.
He could see it in her, the hardships she had suffered. It was something about her posture that he couldn?t quite put his paw on, and the pain had been there in her eyes. Perhaps that was why he couldn?t just give her the kill and leave, he could not bear to see it there, he had to do something to push it away if even for a little while.

He wondered If her mate had died, it would explain a lot in her posture, perhaps the idea of baring his children without him had given her that solemnity. The other idea that drew its way to his mind didn?t bare thinking of, he could almost feel the rise of his anger like a living think at the thought of a brute forcing its way onto her. He shook his head quickly to clear, pushing it all down as she spoke now. She admitted that their where still reasons for her to smile, but that her life had been difficult of recent times.
He nodded his head to her softly, settling his grey orbs on her luminescent violets.
?I understand?
He said gently
?But it doesn?t need to be so here, it sounds to me like your beginning to find your friends here, and you can count me in as one of them?
Then, worried he had been to presumptuous he amended himself
?For as long as you?ll have me around?
