
The Call



03-21-2014, 04:58 PM
Nestled near the heart of Alacritia, Chrysanthe would travel to this point with a specific goal in mind, dragging her daughter with her all the while. With Syrinx missing, she was somewhat of the head of the family - although one could argue that Erani held that as Valhalla's leader, she was more than welcome to come to this as well and argue her point if she wanted to. The last thing that the female wanted was a fight here, but honestly - her family was of so many different alignments it might just turn out that way. Regardless of what could occur, the russet faced woman wanted to call the family together - anyone with the surname Adravendi would be requested to at least show up to this gathering. She wanted to know her family in its entirety, and whether they liked her, or hated her, or anyone else that happened to be their kin - blood was blood. They should know each other, even if it was just a name, a face and a scent. So her calling to the place with neat rows of tall trees with sweet fruit would be one of purpose.

"You have a lot of family Odette, it's time we met them all." She hadn't often seen her sister's children - and that in and of itself was something of a sin. Hopefully Odette would be excited to meet the wolves that were a part of the family that she had brought her into. For so long it had been she, Erani, and her aunts from her grandmother's side, but had she ever run into the lupine that were born and bred in Seracia? That had gone and claimed Amenti? Their name was once a great one, ruling nearly half of Alacritia in their prime. It seemed that prime was over though, as all three of them had lost their thrones. Seracia was close enough for Chrysanthe to smell Epiphron's scent missing from the borders, and instead a stranger's scent would strongly replace it. If she needed a final excuse to finally do this, that was it - she had no idea where her sister had gone or where her children were. Syrinx was illusive, and she was sure that his kids took after him but Epiphron? She wasn't the type to just vanish.

The one eyed woman would raise her head and howl, a long, widespread call for her family. If one could hear a call at the battlefield, one could hear her call where she stood as well. After she felt the song had spread, and Odette had possibly let loose a call of her own, she would lower her head and sigh, before looking up and smiling at her daughter. And now we wait." She was a bit nervous - would they show up for a stranger's howl?

ooc: Time for the fambam to know each other! They can introduce themselves and figure out where one another live and all of that junk c: This should be fun~