
The World Is Gonna Know Your Name


03-27-2013, 01:48 PM
The multi-hued dame would trot silently alongside the tall brute. Her two toned pelt glittering in the sun. She made no noise as she moved, silent, unnoticed, as always. She kept slightly behind him, her head level with the pack of his haunches. Even though she was still of Tortuga, she respected his title as King and allowed him to lead the way. Was she nervous for this spar? No... if Collision won she would be claimed for Valhalla, her loyalties would shift and she would become the closest thing to an enemy that Tortuga had. If Tortuga won, there was no doubt in her mind that they would kill her.

Anticipation would be more the word shes looking for. Collision issued the challenge and Cyanide's ears craned forward, alert, listening. She waited with patience for her pack to come, no doubt they would be surprised, Cyanide had been faithfully loyal since the beginning of Nnoitras reign... but they had forgotten her and she had had enough. She gave Collision his space, perching herself on the edges of the arena, this was not her fight to win.