
The Call



03-21-2014, 05:43 PM
The first to arrive would be one of Syrinx's children. Sevan - she had grown so quickly. The woman was glad to see that she was in one piece - but it woudl also seem, that she did not want to be here. Not the best of starts, but Chrysanthe didn't expect everyone to be up for the surprise gathering. "Your father is gone again." She would say, her voice conveying that she was not happy with that face, that she worried for her brother - but also was angry at him. He had sired these children, and then left them to fend for themselves. Thankfully, they seemed to be capable, as they were at this particular age. "You should know who shares your name, Sevan. Have you met them? This would be the chance for her to glance upon the wolves that shared her name, "I am not asking you to like them." Heaven knew the girl hated her - for reasons that she never really came to understand. But Syrinx's girls were miserable during their time in Valhalla despite being daughters to the King. "But they are yours, the knowledge could be useful someday." She hadn't a clue what reaction that the girl would give her, but she would coax her the way she would her brother, hope that she understood that family was family and there wasn't anything that she could do to change who she was related to.
Whether she stayed or not was up to her, but Chrysanthe hoped she would stay long enough to at least see Epiphron's children should they come. They were around her age, and had done nothing to earn her disrespect. The woman knew that she would not be seen as respectable to some if not much of her family after loosing Valhalla, loosing half of her sight - but she was trying to pick up the pieces of her scattered family. This was what her father, hell - what Syrinx would want her to do, she was sure. "Your father would want you to know them after all."