
New Space & Time



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-21-2014, 07:42 PM

The last herb of the gathering session was pressed into place, Lavender with the Lavender and other sedative plants, as the old female?s deep blue gaze swept over the store pile to make sure all was as it should be. A call from Odette rolled into the cave, and one snowy ear swiveled as Erani noted the slight urgency to the tones of her granddaughter. Rising, she turned with a flick of her tail and took off at a dignified lope, covering ground in such a way that she wouldn?t arrive breathless.

Odette was not alone, Erani noted as she arrived and slowed her pace to a walk, tail swaying gently above the level of her hips in greeting to her grandchild, though her eyes were on Odette?s companion. ?Hello, Baldur. I see you?ve tangled with something nasty, mm? How is Hati? Thor, and Loki?? She studied the male?s injured leg, nodding in approval at what she knew was Odette?s work. She?d stepped in to view Odette?s training a few times, and the girl was as much of a natural at healing as she was with fighting. ?Well done, Odette. The swelling?s been kept down very nicely on this injury.?

Her eyes swept up to lock with Baldur?s, reading the slight amount of nerves. He didn?t need to speak for her to know what he was here for. ?You showed yourself to be a competent hunter and able to work as a team with others. Sticking with your ill brother, despite your obvious dislike for him shows that you have a good heart. Your fighting skills I have yet to see, but I would love to see them once your leg is well. I have room for strong wolves who will stand beside one another, if you wish to become a part of Valhalla.? Deep blue pools sparkled with an ancient humor as she cocked her head at Odette. ?That is why you brought him here, is it not?? The warm humor in her voice was soft and gentle as she studied her young granddaughter.