
consequences we cannot deny



8 Years
03-21-2014, 10:29 PM

As her muzzle lowered from the call, Qanik settled back to wait. At first she sat, but restlessness overtook her and she rose to pace the border, gaze roaming the land for danger. And there was danger, so close to another pack's land. She knew enough of her world's politics now to understand that Tortuga and Valhalla were not close, and her presence could be seen as a threat. Finally she realized she was just going to wear herself out worrying, and she forced herself to sit once more. She breathed deep breaths to bring herself back to calm, though she seemed unable to find her equilibrium.

Truly, not much time had passed but it felt like an eternity before her senses announced a Valhallan wolf approaching. Her gaze followed the wolf as she moved closer, and for a moment Qanik was struck by how alike the two were. They could have been siblings - those this wolf would have been the taller, prettier sister, with her elegant muzzle and legs and her pelt like starshine, while Qanik would have been the homely little tagalong sister.

Qanik shook her head wryly. She'd long gotten over not being "pretty" and she was fine with it. It was just more obvious when contrasted now. But her faint smile faded quickly. With a wolf like this in his pack, why would Flamesong even want to be with her?

"Alpha," she greeted, her heavy head dipping respectfully to her. "I am Qanik. As you rightfully concluded, I am from Tortuga." But when it came to what brought her there, she hesitated before squaring her feet and drawing herself up, determined to not appear a quivering, despondent mess in front of Flamesong's alpha and scolding herself for acting the child when this female could not have been more than a few years older than she. "I have become acquainted with one of your pack members, Flamesong." No, that wasn't right, that made it sound so cold. Her gaze drifted slightly, unfocused gaze over Erani's shoulder. "I.. have become quite fond of him. More fond than perhaps I should be. I..." She focused once more on Erani, but when she went to continue, words failed her and she hesitated. She'd never really admitted how deep her feelings ran, even to herself. To say it out loud to a stranger...
