



03-21-2014, 10:31 PM

Alpine would watch as she made her way a little further from the den, so the sun could glint of her off-white coat and catching in what seemed to him like large-sad orbs. He would bow his head to her next set of words and say
?I was raised politely is all? and wink at her, as was the manner of his peculiar humor. He enjoyed the smile that sometimes fluttered delicately against her features, and would smile until her next words. He became more solemn again after that, nodding his head in acknowledgment
?Very true?
He agreed softly, after all he had vowed never to forgive himself for his part in his brother?s death. Determined not to get lost in the past himself he would fix his eyes back on her again and tilt his head in the manner of someone listening to show she had his full attention. He was partly surprised at her need to do things herself, and partly not. After all, he could see that faded hint of fire in her nature, pushed down by the weight of whatever had happened to her.

?You wouldn?t be the first pregnant fae to wish they could do more. But don?t consider it done just for you, it?s done for those who you carry. As part of this pack, temporary or permanent it is our jobs and our pride to care for the future generations. I don?t think you?re helpless, far from it, you?re just busy in the midst of doing something remarkable right now.?
He said, nodding towards her swollen belly once more.
