
The Call



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-22-2014, 10:33 AM (This post was last modified: 03-22-2014, 10:34 AM by Epiphron.)

It had been so long since she had seen any of her family beyond her husband and her children. Azalea had visited her occasionally, but besides that, it had been far too long. There would forever be a void in her heart so long as they were not near -- but her longing for them was something she would not admit, even to her husband. She was strong. But she would not deny that she felt her heart lurch within her chest at the familiar sound of her sister's call. Though her sister had been defeated, had been blinded by the bastard who called himself King of Glaciem -- Chrysanthe's voice had not lost its strength. Her sister was calling from many miles away, close to the lands she had once known as home, lands still claimed by The Kingdom of Seracia.

Her paws would carry her as quickly as she could. After giving birth to two litters, she had fully recovered and her body bore no signs that she had ever been blessed with children. Her gait was hurried but not panicked. There was no reason to be; Chrysanthe's call held no sadness. It would not be a meeting of sorrow, as they had met so many times before.

She felt joy spread from head to her toes as her sister's red face slowly came into her vision. The journey had not taken minutes as she had hoped, but at least an hour or two -- but she was here. The woman's tongue lolled from parted jaws as he pace increased, loping forward to meet her sister and embrace her without hesitation. A smile licked the corners of her lips as she pulled back to observe her sister for a long moment. Her gaze danced to the other two, both unfamiliar to her. But she could not help but note that the youngest looked strangely like her father..

"Chrysanthe," she started, red-tipped tail flicking idly behind her frame. "What is the occasion?"