
Tar Covered Angel Wings

Lyric I


4 Years
03-22-2014, 10:42 AM
She would hold on for dear life, her lungs burning as she struggled to keep her breath at bay. Yet she knew that if she gave up, if she sucked in like her body so wanted to - she would get nothing but sludge, she would do nothing but sink. And so she waited, trusting Alpine to pull her up, to pull her out. As she waited it slowly got harder and harder to think, but even if she forgot all else, she was not letting go of her lifeline. The seconds that ticked by stretched on and on - but Lyric could feel herself moving - (whether it was up or down she was not sure) but it just had to be up because Alpine was out there - and he wasn't going to let her go. So long as that trust remained she had something to keep holding on for... but that breath wasn't going to last her forever. The frayed edges of her mind began darkening, fading to black as she craved oxygen more and more as the seconds ticked by.

When her body was finally free of the pits, it would take a moment for her to notice, the fear that she was reacting too early, that she would breath in and drink down the ink that had covered her frame before, tickled at her mind even through her fading thoughts. For a moment the girl was still - and the only movements would be that of the tiny cat that Lyric had pulled out and Alpine had undoubtedly helped rescue - and Alpine's own movements. Her subconciousness was quiet... it was a knee jerk reaction from her own body that forced her to take a breath in, gasping in the hot foul smelling air like it was the freshest of mountain air - and to her, it was. Lyric would simply breath for a moment, no other movements were necessary - she was so tired. Yet despite her lethargic figure, she would blink away the tar over her eyes, looking up at Alpine - who was staring intensely down at her.

The world was still spinning, still coming back to her after nearly slipping into unconsciousness, but his face, his eyes, the blood that trickled from his lips - it was all so painfully clear. He had been the one to rescue her - without him, she would have died and so would the kitten that had started to quietly mewl beside them. "Alpine..." She whispered, her voice a partial whine. The girl's lips would twitch, attempting to smile - because with every conscious moment it seemed that Lyric would not lose that pleasant expression - "Oh Alpine, I..." She was sorry - for scaring him, for the trouble he had undoubtedly gone through, for the blood on his lips. But for every bit as sorry she was, she was twice as thankful - he had saved her life! "Thank you." She would say between panted breaths, her blue and yellow swirled eyes meeting his own stormy blues.

She would close her eyes again, letting her head hit the ground as she simply rested - the sound of the kitten's mewling would allow her to do so. It had not all been in vain....