
New Space & Time



4 Years
03-22-2014, 11:34 AM

Baldur tried not to fidget. He needed to appear calm, noble and of some worth to the pack rather than a scruffy loner who'd been in a fight. When the alphess finally showed Baldur's jaw dropped. What?! This was Erani? He was shocked to discover that the healer that had helped them seasons back when Hati had been injured was in fact an alphess! Embarrassment brought heat to his cheeks. He must not of been paying attention when she introduced herself, if she introduced herself? Why had he not made the connection?

Baldur cleared his throat and quickly regained his composure. "Hati is doing fine? I think. Once Hati was settled we all went our separate ways I've no idea where he and Loki are now." He resisted the urge to cringe. Would she think him awful for not caring? Did this make him a bad brother? They'd always been off on their own or in pairs it was just how things were between the family. They were not a close knit group.

Heat rose to his cheeks once again as she complimented him. It was eerie how well she read him though in some ways a comfort as he didn't really need to explain himself. "Thank you, ma'am. I was trained a soldier so I'd be honored to show you my skills, even with wounds if you wished." He didn't feel the need to explain why. The males in his family were trained to battle under any circumstances, be it weather, injury, even broken bones now that he thought of it.

Suddenly Thor appeared. A grin split Baldur's maw and he immediately began to relax. "Hey Thor!" He bounded awkwardly over to his brother to lick his cheek in greeting. They could talk later? at the moment? he turned back to Erani, wondering how Thor would take his decision to join a pack.

"Yes, I? I met Odette and she was telling me of Valhalla and I want to join your pack, alphess Erani. I'm tired of wandering aimlessly all the time. I need direction."
