
I'm Here With Out You

Twig I


03-26-2014, 04:50 PM (This post was last modified: 03-28-2014, 05:06 PM by Twig I.)

There had been few dreams within her unconscious state, her mind would retreat from the real world as her body did its best to recover. Her spirit would swim through dream matter as she began to feel out the most recent of dreams. It was so vivid compared to the ones she had experienced earlier, beautiful lights were refracted off of unseen crystals as Twig descended to a pool of water held within a large glass like bowl. Her slate covered paws would be deposited to the water's surface, amazingly she would not sink. As her gaze moved away from her feet orchid optics would take in the tiny form of a child. Tilting her head in a questioning manner she would look at the girl who stood but five feet from her. She wore a coat of the purest of porcelain, while her right shoulder held the gleaming silhouette of a silver cross. She held no color within her pupils, but they would beam light from their surface. The girl would giggle before bounding up to her mother's form, as Twig stood motionless from surprise. She couldn't help the smile that played on her features as she shifted to embrace the pup, she only found it odd at how old she was already. Had she not just given birth? "What's your name?" Twig's voice was curious as it echoed through out the light filled arena. The small girl would nuzzle into the older she wolf's neck, "I'm Fern," her lyrics would bubble forth, much more subdued than Twig's vocals. "We don't have much time. I just had to come and tell you, I love you." the alabaster girl would place a kiss upon Twig's marked muzzle, "I'll see you again someday."

She knew she was no longer dreaming as the pain began to seep through her consciousness, that and the unbearable feeling of complete aloneness. She had not felt such a sense of independence since before her pregnancy... Before she opened her eyes she knew that she didn't want to look and see what was not there. Her daughter, her child who she had carried with her for the better part of the season, would not be there at her side suckling like she should have been. She felt so alone because she was so alone, Fern had not made it through the birth. Twig's eyes would begin to pour tears as she opened them 18 hours after she endured the birth. Regretting the movement as she looked to her belly, swollen teats would beg for her child to releave them. But she would get no such alleviation. A strangled cry would leave her marked lips as reality yet again set in for the she wolf, Fern was gone. She wanted to yell, she wanted to scream and she wanted to kill the man who gave the girl life to begin with. His evil actions would cause a new wave of sadness and heartache to Twig's already strained sanity. She found herself sobbing uncontrollably as she remembered the dream and her lost pup. "No! No no no no no.." a constant stream of the word would fall from her lips as she shook her head violently. It wasn't true, Erani must have her child, caring for while Twig was not there. Her heart knew the truth her mind did not want to accept. She would grind her teeth as sorrow completely overcame her, her heart breaking wholly. She wanted to run, she wanted to escape the den in which she lost her daughter, but her grief would keep her prisoner there.?