


03-26-2014, 09:56 PM

He would gaze back at her, their analogous hued eyes casually watching one another, both consumed in an inner battle induced by whirling hormones. As she gazed into his stare the lust within her core would only grow stronger, a fluttering feeling spreading throughout her body that caused her legs to feel like jello. She had only felt this drunk off hormones her night with the man in the caverns, which she vaguely remembered. ?Glaciem... I believe I?ve heard their name before? She would simply nod when he regarded Glaciem, and he didn't seem too worried about her living there, so hopefully he would stick around a bit loner?

As she leaned forward to sniff him her tail would somewhat twitch in protest as she resisted the urge to wag it blissfully. She would not notice the way he struggled to control his urges, and as she drew herself back she would giggle lightheartedly. Without hesitation her front end would drop downward as she laid on her right side, her body twisting as she writhed onto her back, her head falling gently across both his ivory paws. She would gaze up at him now, her tail curling toward her right so that her desirable aroma could fill the air, her thick lashes batting slowly as a smirk graced her exquisite features.

?I?m from Valhalla, but I?m new there so I?m not surprised if I haven?t picked up the scent yet? Her right brow would raise when he spoke of Valhalla, there were so many things she could say about the pack, but the only thing on her mind right now was him. "Valhalla huh? Interesting." She would coo gingerly, showing very little interest in anything other than him. If he didn't have a problem with her being in Glaciem, she wouldn't mind him living in Valhalla. Her slender left limb would extend as she pawed softly at his chest, her dull claws unsheathed as she aimed to twist the thick hairs with a flick of her toe. "Anything else I should know about you, Alpine?" The way she said his name, her lyrics dripped with desire as her gaze left his to follow her paw as it trailed gradually down his brawny chest. She wanted to know more about him of course, and she had other motives on her mind as well- that much was obvious.
