
The World Is Gonna Know Your Name


03-27-2013, 03:06 PM

The young King walked leisurely at his own pace towards the battlefield. Why waste energy for something he wished no part in? He'd heard the howl from the Valhallan Alpha and he left a minute after leaving Morphine and his Betas in charge while he went on leave.

As he neared the wind shifted and eyes widened in surprise, and then confusion. Along with the scent of Collision, was the scent of Cyanide. What was she doing with the brute? Why was a higher tiered Tortugan being called to the battlefield? He didn't like where this was going. The closer he got the more irritated he became. He kept the outside calm, his face expressionless.

He came upon the two and eyes went immediately towards Cyanide who was sitting respectively behind Collision. He forced his face to remain stoic, but inwardly he wanted to curl his lips up in a snarl and growl. He had put the pieces together. Collision was here to fight for Cyanide and if he won he would claim her. He'd go home rather pleased, or disappointed. Kaien had no intentions to fight over a bitch who had no problems changing loyalties. Nnoitra might have liked her, but now Kaien saw who for who she really was.

"Collision. Cyanide. I'd say it's a pleasure but I'd be lying. I'm sorry to disappoint, but if you want a traitor who is so ready to change her loyalties then be my guess. Take the bitch. I will not waste any energy on her. If I ever see her in my borders I, or any Tortugan, will kill her on sight."

He was blunt and to the point. He had other duties to attend to than stand here and argue with them over it. He made it very clear he wasn't going to defend her. If any Tortugan wanted to come give it a shot they could, but if Cyanide came back she'd be sentenced to death. That was it.
