
Cold Dreams


03-22-2014, 06:16 PM

The Knight twisted his bodice through the snow, relishing in the coolness of the north. He was a creature of the warmth, and though that would never change it didn't mean he couldn't enjoy a stroll in the chill of the northern sector of Alacritia. A smile twisted across his lips as the scent of a woman drifted toward him. It had been so long since he'd had the company of a woman, but even after the absence of their warmth he would never force himself upon one to fulfill his manly needs. The dark woman emerged before him almost like a ghost, as the night was nearly as dark as her coat. She was laying down, muzzle buried between her paws, oblivious to the world around her - and more importantly: him. He let out a garbled sound from his trachea, alerting her to his presence so as not to frighten her. "Hello miss," he offered in greeting. "M'name's Aeryc." His surname was of lesser importance, at least while in this land. No one knew of the Seaborn's save for Raisa, and it was hardly necessary to educate this woman of his lineage. He extended his front paws forward in a sort of bow, allowing his hind legs to fold neatly below him as he rested his chest and stomach upon the powdery snow. The handsome smile remained on his mask as he rested his muzzle upon his front paws, facing her and waiting for a response.

"Talk" "You" Think