
Cold Dreams



6 Years
03-22-2014, 06:34 PM
Esperanza could smell the presence of a brute before her. She did not know which pack he had come from for there were a few that were new. Her eyes sparkled like the stars as they shone through the night sky, giving off an illuminating green color that almost ,made her optics appear like gems in a cave. She could distinctly see scars along his right optic, the bridge of his nose. and his right shoulder. She didn't know how he got them, and she didn't wish to make a big fuss out of the scars he had received. "Hello," she replied back, her voice as smooth as the snow she was lying upon. It had a sort of elegant tone, and she didn't know much about how her voice seemed to be like, though some had said good things about it. "My name is Esperanza."

Many wolves thought of her as evil and unkind like her pack counterparts, but she actually loved to show kindness to those who've had it rough like she. Her lobes perked forward has her tall, slightly muscular build made it's presence known to the scarred brute. An elegant look shown to him, and she liked the way he was kind to her even though they met for only a couple minutes.

"What brings you here to the snowfalls?" She asked to him in a questioning tone. She did like the way this brute looked, but she didn't wish to make a big deal since they had just met as spoken about earlier. Esperanza approached him and stood a couple feet away. "Not that it is any of my business," a smile crept upon her maw and underneath her fur she could feel heat rising up to her cheeks. "And, even though I am from Glaciem, I do not wish to fight or make an enemy. I only wish to be kind." She bowed respectfully to the male and looked to the stars as she could hear some sounds of birds singing off in the distance. Owls hooting in unison to the songbirds as Esperanza turned her cranium down toward him once more. "And I also like your name."