
The World Is Gonna Know Your Name


03-27-2013, 03:27 PM
Cyanide waited, calm and collected as she ever was, tail baiting back and forth with disinterest. If she died she would be reunited with her lover, if she was pulled into Valhalla she would have new laws, new tricks, new personalities to crack, to decipher. She could learn the packs dirty secrets while maintaining her own. It posed a challenge, something for her brain to pick apart, perhaps even tell why Neo had been so fast to abandon it. The possibilities were endless, stimulating her mind. She waited patiently and without fret, even as Kaien strode into the clearing, his eyes swiftly darting between the two.

She knew what was coming, the step down. he would not fight Collision, Tortuga liked to boast and plead a good game but when it came down to a serious encounter they backed away. Their deeds were done in darkness and shadows, never straight forward always smothered in riddles and lies. There was no honor in such things, and Cyanide was a creature of honor, he would not even fight for the opportunity to kill her and his words however spiteful, proved her right.

"This is why discontent arises in your ranks, you stand for nothing, you fight for nothing. Complacent and content to watch the world spin by, picking at the infections of old wounds but never actually inflicting them. You claim neutrality and then award traitors with ranks and prestige." Her voice was cold, calculated, but perfectly neutral, not a flicker of emotion crossed her maw. "There is no honor in such things, and I was foolish to believe there was."