
Sweet punishment

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
03-22-2014, 07:36 PM

For a long moment, all he knew was bliss. For the first time in so many seasons, his mind was silent, as still as the surface of a lake just before dawn. He wondered if it was possible to feel such pure pleasure forever, but he knew the moment would be far too short lived. The feeling of pleasure was superficial at best, but for now it would take his mind away from whatever turbulent thoughts threatened to take over his mind.

Time passed by too quickly -- he slowly pulled himself from her, a sigh slipping from his lips. Basilisk would move away from her, though his violet gaze did not stray far from her. Behind him his tail would sway slowly. They had much to do, and he was not planning on disappearing again as he had before. He would remain with her. His loyalty was hers. Nobody else had earned it, not yet. "I meant what I said." He said solemnly. "I will never betray you." Though Basilisk was not a pure boy, he was not prone to deception. He had learned to be cruel and heartless, to be cold and callous, but he was not the type to deceive those that had trained him.