
The Call



10 Years
03-22-2014, 08:26 PM

When Chrysanthe had woken her up that morning, Odette was surprised. She was usually the one who beat her mother to the punch, but for some reason, it was different this time. After realizing that the sky was still full of scattered stars and a dark background, she wanted to go back to sleep. Odette rarely woke up when the night sky was still present, for she preferred to watch the sun rise and the birth of a new day. However, after being coaxed by her mother into possibly hunting afterward, Odette slowly peeled herself from the cool den floor.
At first, Odette didn't know what her mother had up her sleeve. Once they started walking from Valhalla towards the East, Chrysanthe told her what she was planning. Family was definitely important to Odette, so the idea of meeting the wolves that were related to Chrysanthe made her perk up. A chance to have them all around her, so she could find out more about them, was something that only came once in a lifetime. Eagerness rose above the sleep deprived yearling as their journey continued.
Upon reaching the orchard, Odette was excited. Chrysanthe didn't waste any time in calling for her family. The Gargoyle mini-me chorused with her mother, for she wanted to see who all would appear. After their howls faded, Odette looked at Chrysanthe and said, "I wonder how many will appear." She wasn't disappointed when they slowly started to pour in.
First was Sevan, a cousin she hadn't known existed. There was nothing about the girl that was familiar to Odette, so she remained silent as she watched Chrysanthe speak to the yearling. Apparently, her father had disappeared and it had left a bad impact on Sevan. Odette knew how it felt, but she figured if she voiced her own woes, it would be a weapon of demeaning from her adopted cousin. After awhile, another wolf appeared that greatly resembled her mother. Odette's heart skipped a beat when she realized that her Aunt Epiphron had appeared. "Mother," she hurriedly whispered, "is that Aunt Pip? She's beautiful." She was lost for words for that split minute.
Another female appeared and she greatly resembled the first girl that appeared. Meinx was more formal and approachable than her sister, so Odette warmed up to the personality that lay beneath the layers. Her tail gently swept around her frame before she reclined to her haunches. Red and blue eyes met the girl's gaze before looking over at Sevan's own silver and blue opts. Her set of eyes were pretty as well. There was something about Odette and eyes...why were they so important?

"You" Think


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