
You Oughta Know


03-22-2014, 08:45 PM

Thus far the meeting had turned out pleasant enough though she hadn't yet embraced the reason for her visit. The air about the Queen who would introduce herself as Raisa Xanilov. A pretty name, and a name that was unusual. She would begin to ask a question, that would be caught off by the arrival of another. Before the ivory mistress would even turn her head, the scent of the intruder would hit her and she'd freeze. It was him- the face of her darkest nightmares. The man who had ruined her- defiled her. Him. She slowly turned her head, her amethyst eyes burning as they claimed the form for the male. She had never forgotten how he looked, the browns and creams of his coat- How could she? His scent filled her lungs, as she took a deep breath. Her gaze didn't leave him, though she noted that others were arriving. She didn't pay them any attention.

Blood roared in her ears. She could hear the words of others- snippets of conversations, questions directed at her. She couldn't speak- yet. Her mind replayed the scene.. She could feel his teeth, the way his legs grasped her. She could feel the pressure of his body, as he mounted her- claiming her in a way that no other had ever. She felt the pain, as he stripped her purity. How she had then laid there- too mentally broken to move. She flashed back to the moment, when the Queen opposite of her spoke. Would she demand retribution? She didn't speak for several moments, her mind buzzing. She was a Queen! She had to pull herself together!

She debated, her eyes finally leaving her rapist and coming to rest on the Queen. She wondered what emotions, Raisa would see there. She pulled herself mentally together, before she would finally speak. "Queen Raisa..." She'd begin. "Do I want retribution for the man that defiled me?" She would question, her eyes widening as she repeated the words of the queen. Her ears flattened against her head, a growl leaving her. "I have wished him dead, a thousand times over. I've wished him tortured- his masculinity stripped from his body." She would admit- before continuing. "... and God help me, right now- I can not even fathom hurting him." Her gaze would leave the queen, her expression unreadable. "You were a monster and I should end your life for what you've done." She would speak, directing her words now to her attacker. She was so confused. She felt so many conflicting emotions towards this man. He had defiled her. Why did she feel sympathy for him as he quaked before her?

Her heart sped in her chest- she suddenly felt so exposed, as if all of her secrets had been drug before the land for everyone to see. What would her father think of her now? She stood in front of her attacker and was unable to deal him what he deserved- and God didn?t he deserve it. Looking at Fugue- she spoke again, her tone soft. ?Are you still that same monster?? She inquired softly. So much had changed in the past seasons since he had defiled her. Instead of reacting brashly she now had to put the needs of her kingdom ahead of her. Her kingdom needed allies and she didn?t want to hate the man before her for the rest of her life. She wouldn?t let that hatred, consume her- she wouldn?t let it destroy her life. No she?d find a way to forgive him and to let it go. Even if she proved to be a disappointment to her father- a disappointment to the royal blood that coursed through her veins.
