
forever the stars will remain



10 Years
03-22-2014, 08:59 PM

Katja did not seem as amused by his suggestion that he might be Loki himself, playing a vile trick on her. A gentle laugh escaped his throat, brimming with glee -- yet he contained his jubilance at their reunion. As a child, he had always been rather excitable, often to the point of seeming quite strange, and yet it seemed that since his departure from his family his weirdness had grown. He seemed on edge, even now; poised precariously on the pads of his paws as though he might strike, or flee. And yet merely circled her, watching and waiting, his muzzle painted with a smirk that seemed unwilling to falter. "Wenn ich gestorben, mein lieber Cousin, w?rde ich nicht damit besch?ftigt Schlemmen in Valhalla sein? Oder meinst du zu implizieren, dass ich verurteilt, diese Erde f?r alle Ewigkeit verfolgen werden?"

He paused his movements as she turned, quickly swiveling to face him. His head would cock to the site, curiosity masking his former joy. He was truly curious, and could not help but assume she might be implying something less than favorable. And yet the smile returned as quickly as it faded, green eyes sparkling vividly. Her question came more quickly than he had anticipated, and he was not so sure how to respond. "Ich habe f?r Jaeger gesucht," he began carefully. "Ich habe Angst um seine Sicherheit, Katja. " A long pause followed as his mind reeled. Eyes widened as he parted his jaws to speak again. "Aber was hat Sie hierher kommen, Vetter?" His voice was full of laughter. "Sie schlug mich nie als die Zeit, um Ihre Angeh?rigen zu verlassen."

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.