



03-22-2014, 09:28 PM (This post was last modified: 03-22-2014, 09:34 PM by Aures.)
Out-of-Character Name: Wynn

Character's Name: Garthinaw
Age: 4 years
Season of Birth: Spring
Adult Height: 40 inches (will put up purchase in gem store)

Garthinaw is a specimen that catches the eyes upon first time gazers. He stands tall at forty inches and carries the heavy weight of one-hundred-and-ninety pounds, an impressive number that others couldn't handle well. Firm muscles that possess strength are living proof of being the result from travelling across different terrains. Garth's large paws that widely stretch out when pressed into the ground leave two-inch deep imprints. With a wide chest and a massive head that fits his extra large frame, Garth carries the world on his shoulders.
There are three main colors for the massive male: black, white, and silvery gray. Garth's primary coat color is black. All four paws are dipped in silvery gray, as if he stepped in paint. The tip of his tail is the same color, but not as obvious as his paws. Garth's ears have white on the inside edges, making them stand out more than others' would. Ice blue eyes twinkle in either light or darkness; his gaze resembles the glaciers that are found at the North Pole. White fur is found on the elbows of his front legs and the upper hind calf fur on his hind legs. Silvery gray outlines the outer tips of his eyes, bringing more attention to his face when someone looks at him. The fur of his posterior back scruff is a flurry mixture of dark grays, blacks, and whites. (Extra inches will be bought with gems from Silent and Eria's accounts.)

There are quite a few words to describe Garthinaw. The first one that comes to mind for him is strong-willed. Whenever he puts his mind to something, the male sticks to it with determination. Quitting is something he doesn't believe in and if he fails at what he is focused on, he continues to grow and learn from the experience. Another word that Garth is proud to show is confidence. When someone new comes across his path, that is something they can say is in his aura. The large male doesn't brim with an obnoxious ego, but he doesn't let many events in his life bring him down. He tries to maintain a strong belief in why things happen and a general idea of knowing the difference between right and wrong stands firm.
Once someone gets to know Garth, the way he acts changes just a tad. Upon first meeting him, he seems standoffish because of not completely trusting after the first "Hello". However, when someone gets through the layers that he has made for protection, they realize how laid back he can be. He is open to trying to get to know others, but due to past events and travels, he hasn't been able to keep up the relationships with those he meets. All in all, Garth is one of those guys that you would want to keep around.