
Calm Your Nerves

Hermes I


03-23-2014, 11:16 AM (This post was last modified: 03-23-2014, 11:16 AM by Hermes I.)

Hermes strode confidently onto the battlefield. The young male was looking for an opponent to test his skills on and to keep himself in shape and battle ready. His pack Olympus was still small. It needed skilled and ferocious warriors to make sure it was kept safe and Hermes had every intention of doing his part. He knew it was dangerous to walk the lands of the battlefield but he'd been trained in the art of warfare since he was very young. He was certain he could at least hold his own. Of course there was always so much left to learn. And fate was a fickle mistress indeed.

The wind rustled his fur and he closed his ruby eyes for a moment to gather himself. It had been awhile since he'd sparred a foreigner and the young male was not seeking a friendly match. While he wished to avoid a death match or maiming he wanted a brutal fight. Something that would lighten the instinct of battle within him and prepare him further for the pain and brutality of war as well as awaken that knowledge within himself. He could not hesitate if his pack was in danger. He could not hesitate if the lives of the ones he loved were threatened. Morality had little to do with it. Hermes did not dwell on the greater concepts of right and wrong there was only what was precious to him and the need to defend it. After all he would turn two years old in one months time. He would become an adult and take greater responsibility upon his shoulders.

Breathing steadied, mind clear, Hermes continued on his way and soon caught the scent of another wolf, another male. A potential opponent? He followed the scent to come across a dark-colored male with bright green eyes. He was a well built male, close in size and not too far in age. It would be a fair match if the other male wanted to take him up on it. He dipped his head in greeting. "You up for a spar? I come to sharpen my skills in the art of war and I have no desire for fisticuffs but none for permanent maiming or death either. What say you?"

talk, think