
When I'm Wiser And I'm Older


03-23-2014, 01:37 PM

He continued to give the pups a friendly smile when, suddenly, an adult wolf stumbled upon the scene. Hyperion felt a twinge of fear. This was a pack wolf, no doubt the mother of these two little wanderers. What would she think of this old male, toying with her children? Surely she had seen him pick up her daughter.

His golden eyes stayed fixed on the mother as she approached, asking if he belonged to the pack. "No, my lady, I do not. But I meant no harm by trespassing. I only wanted to relax in the springs for a moment." He began to rise from the steamy waters, shaking his pelt lightly to release any extra drips of moisture. He stepped carefully around the little black pup, nudging her a bit as he did so. Why did these girls insist on straying so close to the edge? He let out a low chuckle as the pup seemed to sulk, meandering past her mother and back into the woods.

Hyperion returned his attention to the adult woman in front of him. Her fur was the same blazing color of red as her fiery little daughter. "I'll just be leaving now, miss. Sorry to bother you. And your children weren't troublesome at all. You should be proud to have such beautiful, independent young ladies." He sent a wink in the red pup's direction as he left the pool, shaking his paws dry as he did so.

The old brute started to turn and make his way to unclaimed grounds, but an afterthought held him for a moment longer. "Forgive my ignorance, but what pack is it that holds dominance here? Just out of... curiosity." The dark wolf wanted to know who else believed that they held power over the land. The idea seemed ludicrous to him.
