
The Kingsroad


03-23-2014, 02:08 PM

The struggled between common sense and her desire for trouble stirred as she found herself at the edge of a forest she wanted to walk through but could not because of the pack border scents that rang through her nose. Her common sense was not doing so well in the argument though it did point out all the right reasons for a normal wolf not to cross. Kaneyna was no normal wolf and she was not swayed with excuses like force claiming or anything 'silly' like that. Still, she was unsure she wanted to risk trying to win a fight that she might not be able to conquer. Her will for adventure argued she was not a wolf to be contained and controlled with social laws like borders.

What an issue for her. "Damnit." She cursed under her breathe with her eyes narrowed. She would solve this once she got a look at an alpha or a wolf from the pack. If she had even a doubt about taking them down she would locate elsewhere. Who knew, maybe this pack was even though enough for her. She raised her stormy gray muzzle to the sky and let out a howl for the alpha or alphaess, whichever happened to rule the lands for the time being. No doubt, in time, Kaneyna could change that too. But first that would take training and mental preparation. If she were to join this pack she would not be so ignorant as to try and take the lead of the pack. no, she would go elsewhere if she ever felt the desire to take a throne for her children to inherit... well, that was if she ever had children.

Kaneyna was little more than a child still, but she had never lost a fight so she could add that to her list of accomplishments. Either way, alacrity seemed to flow through her veins for the time being. A small smile crept it's way into the sly part of her mind as she stood there, just outside the pack territory, as she waited for the ruler of the lands. Fake it until you make it.