
Some Like it Hot


03-23-2014, 02:16 PM (This post was last modified: 03-23-2014, 02:17 PM by Isabella.)

A feline swimming was not something she had ever heard of, she thought they heated water for the most part. This was indeed a unique meaning and she was learning so much from it. It did made sense to her the large cat would not mind entering pack lands, yet i was just normal for her to avoid inhabited lands. "Yes well, in that case the lake would be best. Though it may be possible for you to stop on the border and roar for assistance, if you have an escort at least wolves will not brother you, if they are decent that is. It may save you trouble but I doubt wolves are much of a threat to you in small numbers." At that she looked at the cat's paws then back its eyes, no doubt it had massive claws and its fangs were nothing to ignore. Still pack wolves were rather brave in large numbers.

The feline seemed a moment like he would be on his way and her chance to learn anything from him would escape her but he seemed rather interested in her question. For that she was glad and for a moment a smile came to her face unbeknownst to her. Realizing it was there she resumed her neural expression as the feline, who relieved himself to be a Siberian tiger spoke. She was thankful for the presence of Alphonso for perhaps he held interest in their pairing. Sk?lingrk said he was from the north,his fur and massive form would be well suited to the could so it was no wonder he was sneaking water to swim in. Isabella noted the change in Sk?lingrk as he spoke of other tigers. She did not know if tigers were social but then again she wasn't the most social wolf in the world and even she liked to see other wolves every now and then.

As Isabella pondered this Alphonso squired with joy as he looked at the tiger who had addressed him. He would had been happier to meet a leopard but
Sk?lingrk had called him kin! That was exciting, amazing and it did everything to boost Alphonso's pride. "Oh! In my excitement I forgot to give my own name! I am Alphonso, you can call me Al. I don't truly have a surname so I use Madam Izzy's. I hope you find more of your kind, heck I'd love to see more too! If you ever happen to run into a leopard can you do me a favor and tell them there are geckos named after them? I'd still like to see one some day, not that it isn't amazing to see you." Alphonso was still squirming his entire body as he spoke and was clearly excited.

Looking down at him Isabella chuckled lightly, the combination of learning and seeing her friend so happy made her drop her guard a bit before she turned to the tiger when he addressed her. "Ah yes, we do often live in packs it is much safer that way but packs have rules, leaders, and have some ways I don't agree with. I do not act well with leaders unless they are ideal to me, not power mad, not blood thirsty, loyal and honest. It's hard to find a wolf of power like that and harder to find a pack who values life but will also let me be free among them." Though the words would be something others considered private she did not mind sharing them, they were a fact and to her there was just no point of lying.

Taking advantage of the situation Isabella brought up more questions. "Do tigers live together? Once you find a home will others gather? and what of a social structure? Oh and what of fur? Wolves come in many colors as I'm sue you've seen but what of tigers?" Isabella was so excited her tail moved a bit and her eyes softened considerably. She acted like her normal self, a young wolf with a good heart that was eager to learn. Normally Alphonso would have nudged her to remind Isabella she was ruining on and being a bit invasive but he was just as excited as her. Luckily she remembered herself. "Do excuse me if I am asking to much of you Sk?lingr. This is indeed a good meeting, but one where I fear my curiosity is getting the better of me. If I am going to far or you feel I am rude please let me know." She pulled back a bit stopping her tail and making sure her voice did not give much away.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."