
Tomorrow Will Be Kinder


03-23-2014, 02:36 PM

He smiled lightly as Isabella tasted the soothing waters. She seemed to notice the minerals in its depths. Then he watched carefully as she padded into the pool, standing close to offer help if she needed it. His eyes continued to avoid hers as she spoke. She seemed to agree that this wonderful place was a sanctuary, and at that he had to smile. He responded, keeping his eyes on the image of her reflection where it wavered in the still water. The liquid distorted the color of her eyes, making it easier for him to bear. "Yes, water truly is a gift, and we are lucky to have it during such hot weather."

Hyperion smiled down at Isabella's reflection, feeling ashamed that he was too weak to meet her gaze. He would deal with it eventually. "Curiosity, too, is a gift. I do believe that you're right about that. I have lived many years, but even I learn something new every day." His golden gaze tore away from the water and met her icy blue eyes evenly. "I'm sure I could learn a lot from you, my dear."

She seemed to frown, as if noticing the pain on his face. The young woman suddenly apologized for any offense, taking a bow of respect to her elder. He let out a breathless laugh. He couldn't believe her words. They reminded him of something obvious he had forgotten. "Oh, my lovely girl, can you ever forgive me? I've neglected to introduce myself. How foolish of me." The old brute let out a hearty laugh at his stupidity. "And how impolite of me as well. Miss Isabella, my name is Hyperion."

He gave another bow, though it was unnecessary now. He needed to comfort the young lady. It wasn't her fault he was being so weak. "Please don't apologize. You haven't done anything to hurt me. It's just that your eyes..." his warm voice trailed away for a moment. "They look so familiar to me. So much like Aurora's..."

"Aurora was my mate. She died while carrying our pups. Hopefully you can understand how difficult it is for me to be reminded." Hyperion felt his voice shake and he gave a sad smile as his explanation came to a close. He hoped the girl didn't feel responsible for his discomfort. She shouldn't.
