
The Kingsroad


03-23-2014, 03:23 PM

It was gratifying to meet another that was so fond of the taste of blood, that it was addictive to them just as it was to her. Silvery features would twist, wickedness would gleam in her eyes. This one would fit right in with the rest. Ages varied within her pack, but everyones intentions were clear. Either they sought some sort of revenge and wanted her guidance to fulfill it, or their addiction to blood drove them from other packs and straight into hers.

"So long as you don't bring trouble home with you, Elysium always has room for more."

She would make it clear from the beginning that she did not want trouble from other packs. Yet. The Monarch was not one to put her neck on the line for those who cause trouble. There were very few that had earned her loyalty enough for her to do so.

"Do as you please, but know the rules well. I will not go to war with another pack over a mistake you made."

The Queen would rise, this woman had been accepted into her ranks. She would see that this woman thrived, just as the rest. "Welcome. I'm Cataleya by the way." She would step back, allowing the woman to cross the borders into her new home. And with that, she herself would turn, leaving the woman to do as she pleased.

-exit Cat, unless Kaneyna has any questions-