
Make Me



5 Years
03-23-2014, 03:41 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Despite her less than amiable nature, the white splashed wolf appeared well enough amused with her company. Either he had noticed something peculiar about her that had triggered his fancy or he had patience enough even to spare her way. Secretly she hoped it was the latter. Callisto was not at all inclined to be the butt of anyone's joke, spoken aloud or otherwise, and a part of her, however buried beneath cynicism it was, hoped that this pack might yet appeal to her. Not that she was ready to throw herself into the workings of a new leader - as she had thus far avoided doing by being born to a leading pair - but at least within a pack she would not be alone. That was presently the hardest part about her predicament. She was not used to it, this sort of forced isolation, and it was only with the loss of her family that she realized how much se had taken them for granted. And she hoped this Vaughan was an indication of how she might be welcomed here overall.

He spoke of Ebony being a better home than the one she currently lacked, and though a part of her was inclined to agree the stoic girl said nothing, only stared while considering how much truth actually rang in the statement. Pack lands did tend to be overall better. More fertile, more plentiful. It was exactly why they were made into packs. Being the stubborn thing that she was, however, she let him assume she thought otherwise, challenging his praise with her silence. Everyone was entitled to their opinion, after all, including the voicing of it.

It was not until he continued, delving deeper into the true details of the pack, that he struck upon something that piqued her interest, and Callisto became somewhat more visibly alert at its mention. Healers. That meant there were wolves here knowledgeable about plants, herbs, and their uses. It should not have been so surprising, but in her near year of life less emphasis had been placed upon that branch of training and so she had set about learning what she could mostly on her own, accepting guidance the few times she had happened upon it. But if she joined a pack already containing a few learned healers... "Your healers. Do they teach too?" she questioned, tone suddenly quizzing and more curious. Still no smile adorned her dark, grey-marked features, but a new interest had been kindled in her silvery-blue gaze, narrowed now as she waited to learn more.

Image by Maka.