



03-23-2014, 07:40 PM

Alpine felt nothing but warmth and love for the pack he had chosen. He knew it would be hard to beat a pack like Valhalla, with its loving and closely-knit wolves. He knew he would not have been the first to offer his comfort to Twig, and well her pride might possibly have made all the help hard to swallow the sincerity of those who gave it must have at least helped. Despite it all he liked the spirit he saw in Twig, it stood out in her despite her sadness and whatever difficulties she had lately been forced to over come. He could see that independence within her that might have made it difficult to join with a pack if even for a little while. He found himself wondering, that if she left the pack, where she would go and if she would be alright. He would shake his worries free with a mental shrug, he knew her strength would see her through and they could only offer what little help she would accept.

He too sat in silence for a little while, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the peaceful quite of the friendly company. The sudden gasp of pain jolted through his body like adrenaline as this gentle fae went from peaceful to agony and seemed to curl up around herself protectively, he watched in a moment of frozen helplessness as it seemed to wave over her and pass, and her wide purple eyes would look into his with fear. He swallowed, looking her over with careful eyes. How he wished he had looked into healing already like he kept promising himself he would. He wished he knew what to do as he looked into those fearful eyes.
He folded away his fear and seemed to draw calm into himself it would do no good to look fearful himself, he would have to comfort her. He reached forward slowly, allowing her to tell him not to and give himself a chance to pull away. If she offered no protest her would, with the most gentlest movement he could muster touch his nose to her pelt and take in a deep breath in an attempt to scent blood or wrongness in her. With the crisp scent of warmth and hormones he did not think he could. Although his knowledge was so rudimentary he could easily be mistaken.
?Was that a convulsion? Do you need me to fetch someone??
He asked in gentle tones.
