



03-28-2013, 08:59 AM

Really? Loccian found herself once again leaving the lands of Seracia, this time it was not for herbs. Since joining Seracia she told herself that she would not venture out in the unclaimed lands, that she would stay within the land of the pack she joined. The only time she would leave is if she needed to collect herbs that didn't grow there, and here she was. At first she did not realize where her paws were leading her, just was off in her own world and when she came out of it she noticed that the lands had changed. A sigh came from her as she stood on a small hill, tail hanging behind her and ears forward, grey eyes looking down at the lake below. She had heard about this place, the rocks in the lake confirming the place. It was shaped in the shape of a paw, that's why it was given the name Wolfpaw Lake.

She swung her head to the right, ears swiveling around, listening for any animals nearby. After listening for a few moments she heard nothing and so turned back forward and moved on. Paws moved carefully over the rocky hill, gritting her teeth whenever she would lose her footing and would slide some. Once at the bottom she took a deep breath an moved on, ears swiveling left and right as she moving at a steady walk towards the lake. It wasn't until she was walking for a few minutes that a howl suddenly ripped through the land, causing Loccian to freeze instantly. What the... she did not smell any wolves, then again, the wind was blowing her scent towards whoever was here. With the howl she did not move right away, she was thinking. That howl, it seemed urgent. Was somebody in danger? Hopefully not because Loccian wouldn't stand a chance if it came to a fight.

She hated that she was so kind and wanted to help others, one day she was sure it would bring her downfall. With a quick shake of her head she lifted her head to the sky and released a quick howl, responding to the other. She was nearby and would be there soon. With her call the shewolf quickly moved, legs moving, paws drumming against the ground. Was it a single wolf that needed help? Or a few?

My Speech!

Your Speech!

ooc: I'm so sorry! I forgot to put this in my tracker and completely forgot!