
You Again


04-22-2014, 02:27 PM

He would grin, not from happiness nor any other emotion besides amusement. He could feel her sense of irritation, knew he was getting under skin like a bur on her fur. A corner of his lip would rise in a smirk as he followed behind her, close, but not too close. Though he didn't particularly care if he invaded her personal space. Not one bit. Sapphire pools watched her closely, noting the tensing of her muscles shortly before she turned on him, jaws snapping towards his face. Immediately, he pulled his head back just inches from her jaws as they snapped over air, his own throat producing a light growl as his muzzle crinkled slightly to show bared fangs. If she thought she could intimidate him, she was wrong. Intimidation from someone else was unknown to him, but if it had been anyone else in his place, he was sure they would have jumped back or rolled onto their backs like the sniveling cowards they were. But he, was not.

He had thought about lunging at her in those mere moments. However, she had jumped back, her tail began to wag, and she would speak. He would take a step forward, left foreleg extending slightly as he thought to surprise her and bowl her over. However, if she really wanted to fight then he was sure she would have. He himself was already getting fired up. She had stoked the embers, and should aggression continue, the flames would rise into a fire high. "Aye, we've met once b'fore, ye don' remember do ye? I found ye're little hidey hole, and all yer odds 'n ends. But alas, that was a long time ago. It be time now fer proper introductions don't ye think?" He would rock back onto his haunches, however, he would remain prepared should she decide to burst upon him. Perhaps, he was purposefully and discreetly taunting her. Depending on how she took this reunion.