



5 Years
03-24-2014, 04:35 AM (This post was last modified: 03-24-2014, 04:40 AM by Novella.)

Novella certainly lacked any fighting experience, she'd had a few self defence lessons though knew she still wasn't quite sure what she was doing and the idea of having to use any of the things she'd learnt was rather terrifying. All the same she still stood there over Anthem, ready to protect her brother like a seasoned fighter. It was likely down to the adrenaline coursing through her, the urge to protect her brother and the support her family members around her. And confirming that support, at her side Satu chimed in with similar words of defence for poor Anthem.

Together it seemed that she and Satu had prompted some sort of explanation from the golden empress before them. The words shocked her and certainly helped her to realise just why Virgil was so annoyed right now. The words couldn't possibly be true though, not in their entirety; Anthem couldn't be the culprit. So used to the way her elder brother was she had never questioned why he was different, never bothered to explain it to anyone else. The words to try and describe his condition were lost in her mind, though she certainly didn't move away from his terrified form.

Fortunately Song managed to find the words and Novella relaxed her mind a little more, letting the topic drop for now. She still stood over her brother though, refusing to leave him now until all of this had been resolved in a more civil manner. Her mismatched eyes were far more attentive to Virgil and Hermes, the two who seemed far more likely to try and attack any of her family. She wasn't sure she liked these wolves and their pack all that much, though at least the two elder wolves present were willing to speak for now, Natalya in particular.

Natalya seemed reasonable though ready to forget any fighting, though Novella wouldn't relax until the other Olympus wolves stood down. However the black woman went on to explain that there had been no attack, that at least made sense, there was no way Anthem could attack another wolf though it still seemed utterly ridiculous to her for anyone to think that any one of the Destruction wolves, especially childlike Anthem could be capable of rape. "Even if your accusations are true, he certainly wouldn't have meant to harm Virgil." Novella pointed out once more, words aimed mostly to Virgil and Hermes. "I'm sure you are all able to understand the world better, to attack Anthem would be like attacking a child." Song's explanation of her brother's condition had been good in her opinion, she wanted to remind them of that fact once more before humouring Natalya's request.

Gaze now dropped once again to the terrified form of Anthem. "Anthem, have you seen that lady before? The one that tried to hurt you?" Novella spoke in a far softer tone now, nuzzling her brother in an attempt to comfort him.

by macabre