
A frozen Waste


02-08-2013, 05:45 PM
Ookami saw Thane emerge out of the dent hat they had made the day before, she stood up and walked over to him. She nuzzled his head and sat down upon her haunches as she looked up in the sky trying to see if Cyril was coming back or on his way at least. She lowered her head and smiled at Thane, She felt much better and she loved that this day and how it was not to cold for her it seemed just the right temperature. Ookami looked up at the sky Once more she wondered as to how things were with others from the pack at the moment. She knew that they are most likely ok and what not but it still did not stop her from wondering about them now and again.

Ookami lowered her head, standing up she shook off what snow was on her fur and looked towards Thane. A yawn escaped her maw and she stretched, her head was almost on the ground and front legs out stretched in front of her. Her hind legs pushed her backside up and she let out one more yawn before standing up and giving a smile that she loves to do. She rubbed her side up against Thane and licked his face.

"Ok should we wait here or start off in the direction cyril took off in" She asked as she stood there her tail wagging. Ookami was in a good mood today, maybe it was that she got food in her belly and had a good sleep, or was it that Thane and her had finally found each other again. What ever the cause was for her to be well rested, she was happy that her life was now getting back on track.