
Rise to Power


03-24-2014, 10:42 AM

Her numbers were small, it was rather disappointing, but there wasn't a doubt in her mind that they would grow larger and stronger. First to arrive would be Nafri, and she would be given a small nod of acknowledgement as she took her seat. The familiar voice of Daegmar would soon invade her audits, a small grin playing on her lips. "Hello again." It pleased her to see that the two women still pledged their loyalty to her.

Next would be Neios. And the dark boy never ceased to amaze her. He would rush forward, crawling on his belly as he lapped aimless at her limbs. Her crown would tip forward as she looked down at the boy, faint amusement dancing in the shadows of her eyes. "Take a seat." The command would ushered just for his ears alone.

Her daughter would appear, alone, which was surprising but she noted the slight annoyance and anger in her dark features so nothing would be said. She would greet her daughter silently as the girl took a seat beside her. Basilisk would appear, being one of the last, but she would say nothing. He would take his seat beside her, sitting tall and proud. Finally, they could begin.

"Welcome, all of your. As most of you know, this is Elysium, ruled by myself and Basilisk. We are a pack of war and violence. All of you will be expected to train rigorously and regularly. Weakness with not be tolerated." It was a rather unorthodox opening, but she didn't care. "Now, my daughter Zaria, is the Dauphina, heir to the throne. The role of Duke and Duchess is open, they will working closely with myself and Basilisk. Following that will be Marquis, Comte and Baron, the Commanders of the warriors, hunters and healers."

She would take a moment to allow everything to sink in. "Now ranks are not given freely here, each and everyone of you will prove that you desire the rank. A few days from now, I will be calling you all together for an event of sorts. Each of you will spar together and the winner will take the rank they fought for."

There was so much to be said, it was ridiculous. "We are all about respect and loyalty here. Break either of those, and you can expect severe punishment. Try and flee without permission, you will be killed. I do not care if you take a mate, have pups or whatever, even if they are from another pack. However, mothers of Elysium will be expected to raise their pups here. And note, if you bring trouble to my door, you will handed over, I will not go to war for any of you. Force claims are welcomed, prisoners are to be treated as such. All the outcasts of society make this their home, those who are turned away because of their desire for blood and death."

It was always best to make things clear from the get go. As far as she knew, everything had been covered. "Do you have any questions?" Her gaze would sweep the small crowd, wanting to know if there was questions or concerns that they wished to express. She would give Basilisk a chance to speak if he so wished, and if not, then everyone would be free to go.