
Today, I Feast


03-24-2014, 02:14 PM

Ear would flick back then dart forward at an unknown laugh, head quickly rising as a voice soon spoke out. Selene's brow would raise at the sight of a male approaching, telling her to be careful, a strange yet interesting accent thick on his tongue. He would continue to fill her in as if she had no idea to be alone when in heat, asking if she had even met a man before. The aging woman couldn't help but chuckle as though he was a pup who knew nothing about the world, naive. "My darling, I have most definitely met a man before, the only God to devour this temple." The one and only, and should any other male think otherwise, they would feel her fangs deep within their flesh. "This is not my first heat sweetie." She would add, head held high and proud, tail swinging calmly behind her.

She would go back to what she had been doing, taking a step back from her little rock pile. The woman did not feel like dealing with somebody foolish as this, acting like a child. Steel orbs scanned it over once more before crouching low, body going still besides the hairs gently swinging back and forth from the breeze. She would hold her body in a way that most of her attention was on the river, but at the same time able to watch the strange man to her side in case he tried to pull anything.
