


03-27-2013, 08:58 PM

The world shifted in shimmers of the fractured memories of her insane mind. Some days she wandered the present, taking command of her new home and plotting for future ranks for her kingdom. Other times she was lost in the past, longing for things that no longer existed and finally sometimes she just didn?t fucking know. This place reminded her of a alternate reality. Where this world held a small film over the world she had once known. The master that had once taken her was just beyond that film but no matter how many times she tried to penetrate it she just couldn?t. She sighed at the fragmented wall with longing. She missed him but sooner or later she?d have to come to terms with the film.

The sound of grooming caught her attention. Her sorrow shifted to mild curiosity as to who was wandering this alternate world. She shook her velvet coat and sniffed the air around her. Who was wandering this side of insanity or was it sanity? She couldn?t quite recall. She cracked her neck and shook her body all the way to her rump to make her tail almost snap at the end. She moved in the direction of the stranger?s aroma. Her violet eyes roving over everything as she grew closer and closer to the ivory mess of unforgiving patterns. She could see it as she groomed her coat over and over again. No matter how many times it seemed she was never satisfied with her work.

?Have you found the rip between this world and the next?? she questioned. Her gaze lingered in the distance as if she could almost see his face against the fabricated haze of yesterday. She sighed at the thought and turned her attention to the alabaster female. ?You smell of others.? She stated simply, wondered where she hailed from. She knew nothing of the other clans that wandered this realm. All she knew was Zara had claimed her and that she was the queen of a pack she knew nothing of. She wanted more for her kingdom. Wanted it to be something of greatness but with what? She dismissed the brooding thoughts from her mind to focus at the female at hand. She belonged somewhere so she was of no use to her in regards to her kingdom.

ooc: sorry its small, it'll be better soon. I have company over/being up my ass... so its pissing me off/distracting me.