
Dances of Celebration, Joining Of Two Hearts



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-24-2014, 06:43 PM (This post was last modified: 03-25-2014, 08:19 PM by Erani.)

Erani was pleased with how quickly Jinxx, one of the new members just joined this night, arrived to her call. A gentle smile and a dip of her head was given in response to his words of greeting and thanks. ?It is my hope that you enjoy life here in Valhalla.? Deep blue gaze sparkled at the young cross marked male, before her eyes turned away as Friction and his son arrived. Stepping down from the flat boulder, Erani pressed her brow to Friction?s in an affectionate greeting. He was her brother through Craft, and she was beyond glad that he had chosen to stay as part of Valhalla, with his new family included. ?And it?s wonderful to see you, Craft Brother. And your little terror, too.? She added, poking her nose against Erion?s little belly with a playful snort as Eria and Isis came. Eria was greeted with a warm smile, and Isis with a playful nudge to the shoulder, before Erani bounded back onto the boulder, turning to settle onto her haunches as Alpine arrived.

The familiarity Alpine showed to Erion was not un-noticed; obviously, even in the short few hours Alpine had been in Valhalla, he?d already had a run-in with the little male. Blue eyes twinkled under the moonlight as she could guess how that meeting had gone. Erion had none of the same interest his father possessed for healing, being far more interested in the idea of a rough and tumble warrior, and most of the boy?s games consisted of fighting off imaginary intruders at the ravine exit during the times Erani pup-sat for Eria and Friction. Erani gave a soft chuckle at the thought of the last game, then turned her eyes toward the next arrival, Arwel. She could guess at his relation. She?d seen Meili a time or two at previous meetings, and she rather thought that Meili and Arwel shared a few characteristics. Perhaps a similar facial structure. It did make her wonder where the previous secondary Psi had gone.

A warm smile was returned to the male as he settled beside Jinxx(?), before Imena?s arrival pulled her attention away. Deep blue eyes studied the Theta Primary closely, taking in the weary undertones of the small smile given to the new wolves. She had noticed that Imena had been keeping to herself lately, and wondered why. She would need to get to the bottom of that later. Surreal, Alsander and Cormalin arrived then, and as Surreal climbed the boulder to settle beside her, Erani caught a blast of her daughter?s heat scent. Poor thing. However, Erani didn?t coddle her eldest daughter. It was a part of life, and something that Surreal would deal with yearly. She pressed her nose into her daughter?s brow, dropping a light kiss in it?s wake, which seemed to soothe some of the restless energy that fairly vibrated in her daughter?s body.

Alsander?s comment from beside Jinxx was met with a rich, husky laugh. ?Oh, they are, I look forward to sleeping a good while. I?m sure you do as well, Alsander.? Canines glinted in the moonlight as she smiled at her silvery nephew, deep blue eyes turning to her brother with a warm glint as Shilah, one of the Nomads who had appeared recently, arrived to settle near Jinxx as well. She did wonder how the Cross marked male must feel, surrounded by strange wolves all around him. She was glad to see Cormalin welcoming the young male warmly, before his mismatched gold and blue gaze searched through the forms. She knew who he sought. Cael and Claire. His two youngest, and both missing. They will be back, someday, dearest brother of mine. Be patient.

Amia was next to arrive, and she seemed surprised to see Shilah, her passage pausing with a cock to her head that fairly seemed to say ?What, huh??. She seemed to recover herself swiftly, and Erani watched her take a seat near Imena, not missing the way her eyes lingered on the males. A faint smile twitched over Erani?s muzzle before her eyes were drawn to Sarak as he arrived, her heart panging sadly at the way he moved, how mechanical it was, and how lost he seemed these days. Azalea had never returned from the battlefield, and her children had been taken from the island, no doubt to Glaciem. For now, there was nothing she could do about it. Valhalla needed time before crossing blades with Glaciem again to bring the lost children home. Don?t worry, we will be strong enough to take them down, and bring Kismet and Soren home.

Leon arrived, and Erani smiled warmly at him, thinking of how this night would be his and Ashtoreth?s, as much as Valhalla?s. Tonight, she would be bringing them together before the pack. Deep blue gaze flicked about to see if she?d missed Ashtoreth arriving, instead finding the arrival of Flamesong. To his greeting, she smiled. ?All is very well, Flamesong.? As he turned to speak to Amia, Odette arrived, and Erani smiled at her as she meandered about, obviously seeking out Chrysanthe. A soft gasp distracted her, and he looked down and back. It was Laufey, one of the five pups that had come to Valhalla for safe keeping until their other mother, Raven, came to take them, if she ever did. The boy seemed to be crying, and as Erani moved, intending to go down and comfort the boy, Tyr showed to be nearby, offering the pup a spot beside him. Erani gave the male a soft smile, turning her head back in time to note Ashtoreth?s arrival. Good.

Themisto was next to arrive, and he too seemed to be searching the crowd. Erani guessed it was for Chrysanthe, as he had joined for her daughter. Something about the male struck her as off, and it wasn?t the lack of his tail. The scent resting upon his fur when he had come to join had been that of a rogue female? And come to think of it, the scent had been similar to Jinxx? scent. A sibling perhaps? Perhaps it was just a friend, but? She just wasn?t sure. She didn?t want to see her daughter?s hearts broken. Sephiroth arrived with Caerul, and gave her an apologetic look, to which she gave a gentle smile that said all was well. Caerul, meanwhile, had settled beside his brother and father, and Erani smiled at him, knowing Alsander would give him an earful of stories about their trip to the other packs.

Another of the pups from Laufey?s arrival arrived, and this one was completely the opposite of his brother, flaunting himself like a bird during breeding season. As the pups were likely not permanent, and this night was all about fun and joy, Erani didn?t set her paw down on the antics, and as the little male went to cajole and soothe his brother, Erani smiled slightly. Ah, pups. Such amusing, wonderful miracles. Chrysanthe arrived then, and Erani enjoyed watching the moment Odette spotted her, and how quickly she could go from one end of the crowd to attached to her mother?s hip in a blink. Chrysanthe called over Themisto, and Erani sent her daughter a warm smile,

Vahva arrived, and the smile was turned toward her for a moment while she also tried to settle Laufey?s nerves. The female was a good surrogate mother to them, and it saddened Erani some that she?d had such bad luck with her own children. A son who had joined with Glaciem, and torn off Vahva?s ear, and threatened her life, a daughter who was wandering Alacritis alone? Erani could share her pain there. She had two sons who had been gone for a very long time, and Arella? Where was her cheerful, wayward middle daughter? Seraphine chose that moment to stalk through the crowd, negativity rolling off of her in waves toward the pack, while she herself carried herself with some pride. The loss of sight to her blue eye was noted, and Erani dipped her head to her. A faint frown creased the fur between Erani?s brow points as Seraphine spoke to Sephiroth. Deep blue gaze flicked to Sephiroth, and she nodded slightly, permission given for him to go. As the two left, Lyric arrived, and Erani pressed aside the negativity to smile warmly at her youngest, noting that Lyric seemed to already know Alpine.

Ravine had also arrived, and to his words, Erani nodded, pleased with his choice. They needed good hunters, as much as they needed fighters and healers. Wolves could not function if they were starving. ?Well chosen, Ravine. You?ll make your father proud. I?ll announce your choice to the pack with the rest of the Epsilons.? Tones were low and gentle, loud enough for his ears to catch, but the other wolves would not hear over the general chit chat and hubbub. Valerius arrived, and Erani smiled from over Ravine?s ears to the male who so closely resembled his sire, save for his own unique markings. She greatly hoped that his remaining two siblings would arrive soon, and bring their Adravendi strength to Valhalla. It was what Cairo would have wanted. What he did want.

Newol arrived, and Erani could see he was a bit overwhelmed by so many wolves. She offered him an encouraging smile, before noting Guinevere?s arrival. The young female took a place apart from the rest of the pack, and Erani wondered what was on her mind. The vanishing of her parents was, no doubt, weighing on the girl, and her sisters having gone as well? Erani supposed she couldn?t blame her for straying apart from the pack. Speaking of Guinevere?s siblings? Erani did a quick sweep of the wolves gathered. Gael was absent. A glance up at the moon said it was time to announce the good news to the pack, and initiate the Ceremony for Leon and Ashtoreth. So she rose with a mental clearing of her throat, and spoke to her family.

?Valhallans,? She began, pausing long enough to gaze at them with a gentle, warm smile, and for them to take notice and pay attention. Once each head had turned, and every ear was pricked, she dipped her head with a soft grin, then raised her head and addressed them. ?First of all, I would like to thank you for joining me this night, and for being with me as a pack; as a family. I hope that you have all settled, those who came with me since the island, and that those who are new to Valhalla find all that they hoped to find here. I would like to welcome Jinxx, Alpine, Amia, Valerius, Newol, Eria, Arwel, Shilah, Tyr, and Themisto to our family. Also to be welcomed are the five foster children Vahva is caring for until their mother returns for them. Laufey, Orochi, and their siblings. I also wish to welcome home those who have returned to us. Lyric, my youngest born daughter, Ravine Tsarev, son of Thane and Ookami.? She paused to give her daughter and Ravine a warm smile, eyes flicking away to seek out each of the faces she?d announced.

After a moment, she continued. ?I am also very happy to announce that my brother is home. Cormalin has returned from imprisonment at Glaciem.? Deep blue gaze rested on her brother, meeting his warm blue and gold eyes, before turning to the pack at large once more. With a smile on her face, she spoke on. ?We also have a birth to celebrate, though it was before Valhalla?s return to the Mainland. Eria and Friction have produced two children. Erion and Isis. I would like everyone to help them become as strong as they can be, so that they will succeed in all they attempt in life.? After a pause to glance over to the happy mates her mind turned to the next subject, and she lifted her chin a fraction, gazing at her pack.

?Tonight,? she said, velvet rich voice rolling over the gathering, ??Is a night for celebrations. As some of you may know, I, and my Nephew, Alsander, left on the last new moon on a journey to the Eastern packs Ludicael and Ebony to see about alliances with them. I am proud to announce that both meetings with the leaders were successful. We also will be celebrating the birth of the Ludicael Alphas second litter. All five pups born healthy and strong.? She smiled softly, eyes dancing from one set of eyes to the next. ?Our Ebony Allies were visited by Isardis, and were not impressed by him. Raisa Xanilov is the Queen of Ebony. Song Destruction and Cherokee are the leaders, Oracle and Guardian, of Ludicael. Remember their names should we ever need to send for their assistance.?

Once again, her deep blue gaze would rest upon each wolf of her pack, warm, loving, serene. ?And this brings us to our third subject, though related: we received a visitor from our close neighboring pack Olympus. They have recently moved into Emerald Valley and The Dancefloor Of The Gods. Natalya Olympus came to the borders not even half an hour ago, to ask about an Alliance. As an alliance between Olympus and Glaciem is unlikely, I have accepted, and Natalya is welcome to this gathering as a guest. We want to make a fine impression, so be as you have always been. Treat her as you would a packmate. The Alliance will be either accepted or rejected by her Empress, Virgil Olympus, upon her meeting with her.?

Her eyes flicked to the five Epsilons, Odette, Lyric, Ravine, Tyr, and Guinevere. With a smile, she announced, ?We have five new rankings to celebrate. Odette will be joining the higher ranks as a Gamma, and training under Chrysanthe for fighting, Friction for Healing, and Eria for Hunting. Lyric will be joining the higher ranks as an Eta, and I will be training her in healing, Sarak, will be training her in hunting, and Chrysanthe will also be training her to fight. Tyr will also be joining the Etas, with Imena training him in Healing, Eria training him in hunting, and my brother Cormalin, in fighting. Guinevere will also be joining the Etas, training under Themisto for healing, Arwel for hunting, and Gael for fighting. Lastly, Ravine will be joining the higher ranks as a Sigma, training under Ashtoreth for hunting Imena for healing, and Alsander for Fighting. Train hard and daily. I know you will make me proud to know you as Valhallans. While those I have chosen for you will take up most of your training, the whole pack will be involved, sharing what they know, so don?t be afraid or too proud to ask for advice or help.?

She put a gentle emphasis on the bit about pride, emphasizing that too much pride to take help when you needed it would be frowned upon. Then her head turned and she smiled at her eldest born daughter and Beta Primary, before speaking out to the pack again. ?The Betas, Surreal and Sephiroth, will begin holding group battle training soon, and will be meeting with the Digammas, Caerul and Alsander, to set them up. I expect these training sessions to happen weekly, and that in between training sessions, you all train your bodies. There are hills and mountains aplenty to practice balance and muscle toning on. Bring a partner or friend along in case of emergencies. I will be dropping in on training sessions often to see how we are progressing.

?Ashtoreth and Sarak our Psis Primary and Secondary, will be holding regular pack hunts, as well as regular hunting between themselves and the Sigmas. For the Pack hunts, I expect every able bodied member to pitch in and help bring down prey. Healers meetings will be happening often as well. I will come in to those now and then, and any who wish to join in are to be welcomed as well. Learning all three skills is expected in Valhalla. Even if you aren?t the best at it, you should at least learn the basics.?
Lastly, her eyes flicked between Ashtoreth and Leon.

?And finally, I would like Ashtoreth and Leon to come up here with me.? Erani would rise from where her haunches had lowered themselves during her announcements, stepping back a few paces to allow room for the two wolves. Once they had come to sit upon the rock, Erani would gaze between the two. Then spoke. As I said before the move, I wished to hold a Mating Ceremony for the two of you. That time has come.? Deep blue pools locked with Leon?s Adravendi blue eyes. ?Do you, Leon Adravendi, promise to never leave your Lady?s side, to provide for her when she is ill, to protect her when she is weak, and run beside her always when she is strong? Do you Promise to help her stand again when she falls? From this night forth, so long as you both shall live?? When he answered yes or no, that deep sapphire gaze rested on Ashtoreth?s amethyst and gold eyes, locking gently with them.

?And do you, Ashtoreth, Promise to never leave Your Mate?s side, to provide for him when he is ill, to protect him when he is weak, and to run beside him always when he is strong? Do you promise to help him stand again when he falls, from this night forth, so long as you both shall live?? As she waited for the answer, she gazed out at the pack with a soft smile. And she hoped she was doing her late mentor proud.

OoC: There is no posting order, from here on, so that those who can't get on to post until later don't have to feel guilty about holding back a whole thread. So, post away, my pretties, post away! Once you'e recovered from that monster post, that is. XD