
Vanilla Twilight[Twig Birth]

Twig I


03-24-2014, 09:06 PM
As the first contraction ripped through her petite frame she would thank herself for seeking Erani's wisdom only moments before. She would involuntarily let a labored gasp fall from her lips, she had felt fake labor pains but a week ago but this was much worse. Panicked, the cross marked girl's lavender eyes would widen as she was stopped in her tracks. Themisto had told her he would be with her during her birth, but Erani was right there behind her. She knew her strength would not be able to keep herself going if she were to travel back to her den. A whine would be let loose suddenly as another contraction took hold of her, she felt her body tense and her rear legs would shuffle to the floor. Marked features would be pushed back as she braced herself through the painful contraction. This had to be the real deal, they were on their way. Now. It all came back to her as her fears were once again realized and very much upon her. She wanted to curl into a ball, she didn't want this part. Even with Erani's kind and informative words she still didn't consider herself ready. Then her water broke. A pitiful whine would leave her lips as she kept trying to deny it, to push it away and to forget she still had to give birth. She would return to Erani it seemed, but before she was able to call another contraction pulsed through her form. She would feel tears begin to spill forth down her cheeks, the pain would increase as her anxiety level skyrocketed. She wasn't ready.?