
Vanilla Twilight[Twig Birth]



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-24-2014, 09:23 PM

She was glad Twig had come to her to ask advice from her. There were some things males just couldn?t explain, and young females didn?t know how to yet. There was also something niggling at her. Twig smelled close? Very close? In fact? Her ear cocked back as the distant sounds of Twigs departure halted, and the breathing hitched. She was bounding down the natural steps in one leap and charging down the ravine before Twig?s haunches were truly damped by the water breaking. Talk about fast births. Sometimes, there were moments where you just knew that something was up, and you acted.

?Come on, Twig. On your paws, lean on me. It may be warm at night, but they need a soft bed under them, and I?m sure you wouldn?t mind it either.? Gently firm, lightly quipping, she lowered her front end, offering her shoulder for the Cross marked female. Once she was sure Twig was firmly leaned upon her, she began to move forward, pausing with each contraction, counting. ?Breathe in through your nose, breathe out through your muzzle.? Gentle instructions were given as they reached the stone steps. Erani helped Twig up them and into an alcove that she?d recently cleaned and relined with thick moss and soft grass.

Leading Twig to the softest spot, she let the female lay down at last, as she was sure she was dying to, then whipped around and darted to her stores in the large alcove opposite Twig?s birthing room. She snatched up a bunch of lavender then grabbed up the other essentials and padded back to Twig. Breathe with your nose against the lavender, and eat these.? She stepped away and looked at her patient, ears perked. ?Is there anyone you wish for me to call? Jinxx, I?m sure of.?