
Vanilla Twilight[Twig Birth]

Twig I


03-24-2014, 09:42 PM
She need not even have called for the experienced healer as the woman was quick to find the helpless she wolf as the first part of labor began. She was sure she wouldn't be able to move from the place she'd fallen but Erani would insist she get herself onto her feet and back to her den. Before she could even think to call for Themisto she felt herself being led back into the ravine. Her vertical stature was very much dependent on the older she Wolf's presence, hardly able to keep herself standing she was more than glad she has been so close to the healers den when they had decided to come. With each contraction she would grit her teeth and push her brows together as she endured her body's pain. With every fiber of her being she wished it would stop, but still the pair would move on and the next waves would inevitably come upon her.?

She would listen to Erani's guidance, her calm words leading her as well as her physical being in what needed to be done. Breathing in her nose and out her mouth was easy enough when she didn't want to scream from the contractions. Still Erani would lead her on to the den's mouth and to an almost separate little indent. The floor was covered in a soft moss with bits of plush grass, Twig would find herself appreciating such amenities later. The eternity of her walk would come to a blessed end as she was lain upon the green bed, her body relaxing before another contraction overtook her.?

Erani would swiftly return, the last wave of pain would trickle away as the healer explained the herbs given her. She would do as instructed, her breathing hard as she listened to her Alpha's question. She would summon Jinxx, but was there another? "Themisto.." she would breathe, "He said.. He would be here with me." she would feel herself whine as her body betrayed her, it would escalate to a pained moan as her labor continued. "Erani, how long will this take?!" she would pause to catch her breath, "It hurts so bad," crying, her orchid gaze would plead with the healer to make it stop. She'd not been looking forward to this day, with ample reason.?