
my dreams turn to tears


03-24-2014, 11:25 PM

How many times had he visited this spot both in his dreams and in his day to day life. Whenever he could he had always found himself drawn to this place, maybe it was the need to still have her around and protect her that had drew him back to her. Maybe it was some small bit of guilt that drew him back here. He couldn't pin point it but many a nights had been sent sitting at the now overgrown grave site staring at the place where he had kicked her slowly stiffening body into the hole he had dug for her. She was lucky he had bothered to bury her rather then tossing her off the mountainside like he had so desired. Something about the idea of her crumpled and mangled body on the side of the cliff brought a bit of a smile to his lips. But the image of her standing before him did not. For a long moment he simply stared at her, looking so much like the woman he had met when he had first came to Alacritis before the volcano eruption. She was still quite beautiful and yet all he could do was smile a bittersweet smile. "So this is how my subconscious is going to torture me today hey?" He asked, expecting completely to be talking to himself. He couldn't help it, a broken laugh broke through his jaws, head tipping back almost hysterically. "Of course this would happen. I would kick your ass in a hole and you would come back to haunt me." He said easily after getting his laughter under control, tipping his head over to turn sickly green gaze to the woman's frozen form. "La de fricken da?." He said oddly cheerfully, a strange almost pained smile still pulling at the edges of his lips. He remained seated. This was just a dream after all? What was the worst his subconscious could do to him?
