
baby take me higher


03-24-2014, 11:49 PM

Amusement. It crossed her face as Kylar tried to look thoughtful. His next words however, had her looking genuinely thoughtful. Everyone had someone they wanted dead, but whether or not they acted on it was a different story. "I have no issue with who you kill, so long as you don't bring war to my door." She made it quite simple and clear. He could stay, but she would not cover his ass if he brought the world down upon himself.

His shoulder would collide roughly with her hip, fangs dropping to nip at her flesh. There wasn't a question in his offer. He knew what he wanted, and he would have it. Not that she would object. The Queen would turn, leaning close enough to him that she could nip at his neck, below his jaw. "Welcome to Elysium." Her breath would aim to wrap his ear in a hot caress, her tongue teasing the triangular appendage.

He wanted a rank, that she would give him, but not after he earned it. Idly she thought about him as Duke. However, the flame that started in her belly had spread, igniting her blood and a carnal craving that demanded to be sated. Roughly, she would push her shoulder into his, sliding her silvery frame along his.