
my dreams turn to tears


03-24-2014, 11:53 PM

She seemed so real, all of this seemed so real and yet there was no way it could be. He didn't believe in heaven or hell or the afterlife. Plus even if there was one why would the goddess bother to save such a pathetic creature like this woman he had once cared so deeply for? Her voice shocked him a bit, eyes blinking as he realized that was in fact her voice even though she had died almost a year ago and he had long since forgotten the sound of her voice. She even moved the way he remembered he moving even though yesterday he had barely been able to remember her face. But here she was in absolute clarity. She asked about the kids and he laughed again, lifting himself to his full height and shaking out his pelt. "Oh darling why would you care? Your the stupid bitch who went off YET AGAIN and got herself attacked. THEN you dared to called the very guy I was trying to protect you from for how many years?" He almost giggled, an odd gargling sound as he turned and began to walk away, still laughing oddly as he went. But then again what would it hurt to talk to her? "If you must know your daughter is like you. Vi keeps in touch with Rune? I met his wife and they have 3 kids. Vixe joined a northern pack last time I saw him?" A bit of the sanity retuned to his tone even as his spoke. Family was his everything but since Secret's death he had felt a strong disconnect to his children.
