
my dreams turn to tears


03-25-2014, 01:14 AM

Who will be there to take my place when I'm gone, you'll need love, to light the shadows on your face

Silence. Tension. It could all be cut with a knife. When he spoke again, it would be with amusement. Brows would furrows with genuine confusion. Kaios was dead?? It wasn't a surprise, but if he was dead, he would be here. Right? "Don't be so full of yourself." She muttered it more to herself than to him. Thoughts rolled over in her mind. Her gaze would drift from his for a moment, a frown lightly tugging at her features.

And then, her sapphire gaze would snap back to him. "I have to guilt you into taking care of our kids?" Tones were incredulous. He couldn't be serious? Just as quickly, his mood would change. His words stung like teeth. Gone. But it was there, at one time, and that was enough for her. She had no right to ask that of him again, and she never would.

She would glare at him, not for his lost love, but for their kids. He was such an ass sometimes. It came back to her so clearly. All the times they had talked, played, fought. He could so easily be an ass, she could hit him for it. Quickly, she would regain her composure, settling herself strongly onto four limbs. "Its time for you to wake up Kylar." With that, she would step towards him, her tiny form brushing against his side as she passed. It was nothing like the living world, it was the softest of touches, light as a feather, yet all to real.

Could you make it on your own?

"Talk here."